Waqas Younus Career Growth

Exploring Professional Advancement at Takeda
We champion a culture of perpetual advancement in our workplace, understanding it as a voyage encompassing both immediate objectives and enduring aspirations. Our steadfast commitment to nurturing our employees' development aligns with the conviction that their triumphs contribute fundamentally to our overarching success.
Embarking on your career trajectory can pose challenges, particularly when faced alone. However, Waqas Younus, Financial Controller Manager, stands ready to offer counsel and insights for propelling your career forward within and beyond the realms of Takeda.
You are the architect of your career's principles and progression, always at the helm of the driver's seat.
With two years in his current role, Waqas Younus consistently enhances his capabilities to remain poised for any forthcoming responsibilities. He perceives growth as a multifaceted endeavor, involving facets such as leadership, strategic acumen, effective communication, and staying abreast of technological advancements.
“Career progression extends beyond vertical ascension; it's about self-awareness, deriving satisfaction from your work, cultivating values, nurturing relationships, and sustaining high motivation.”
Waqas underscores the paramount importance of self-directed learning and maintaining a mindset geared towards continual growth. He advocates allocating dedicated time for acquiring new skills and staying informed about industry innovations, often leveraging our Bloom platform for continuous education.
Waqas's odyssey of career advancement exemplifies our unwavering commitment to providing support through mentorship, learning platforms, and a focus on individualized development plans. By embracing these approaches, employees can adeptly navigate their professional journeys.