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Important! This Dev Guide page is to be used as reference for the newer sections and content developed for this v3_0 site instance. This site also includes sections and content that was migrated from the older v2_0 site instance (note that the migrated sections are distinguishable from the newer sections in that they do NOT follow the "section [number]" naming convention.) If you are looking for documentation on the older "v2" content, please see the V2 Dev Guide.

Note that Custom HTML Modules belonging to sections that were migrated from the v2_0 site instance may not show content as expected inside their [WYSIWYG] content editors, due to global styling updates intended for v3_0 content. These global updates should not affect any previewed or published migrated content.

DO NOT DELETE THIS MESSAGE! This section is intended as a place to document site-specific strategies, characteristics, or issues that may be relevant to future development. Before adding any documentation, consider whether it truly belongs here:

  • If the documentation is relevant to CMS users, it should be included in the CMS GUIDE.
  • If the documentation is specific to a SECTION or SECTION TEMPLATE, it should be included in that SECTION or SECTION TEMPLATE'S documentation in the SECTION GUIDE.
  • If the documentation is specific to a file that is not accessible to CMS users, it should be included in that file whenever possible. For example, if your site uses a specific styling strategy in its SASS file, or you have a complex layout file that requires instructions on how to use properly, that should be documented in the actual file rather than here.

Developer Notes

  • This v3_0 site instance includes a large amount of content and styles that were migrated over from the v2_0 site instance. The understanding is that much of the migrated content will eventually be replaced with newer v3_0 content. Whenever possible, please take steps to remove v2_0 content and styles from the site when they are deemed to be no longer necessary.
  • There are 2 CMS Guide pages and 2 Dev Guide pages on the site, each documenting either the migrated content or the new content. When updating a CMS Guide or Dev Guide documenation, make sure you are updating the right page.

Section Guide

Important! Before using a section from this guide, please read the corresponding documentation for that section. Documentation is found above each section in this guide.

Note that section titles are color coded based on which menu they can be found in after clicking the "add section" button on any page:

Red - find this section in the "Use Existing" Menu.
Green - find this section in the "Add New" Menu.

Keep in mind that when you edit a section from the "Use Existing" Menu, you are editing every instance of that section. Sections added via the "Add New" Menu are safe to be edited freely, as a new instance of the section is created every time it's added to a page.

THEME ONLY - DO NOT ADD TO PAGE | Hero Banner - (Section 1b)

Suggested Use: Home Page Hero Banner

Notes: DO NOT ADD THIS SECTION TO A PAGE. It will be included at the theme level on pages that are assigned to a Page Layout where ViewBag.BodyClass is set to "v3" and ViewBag.BannerSection is set to "section-1b" (i.e. "v3 - Homepage.")

This section's content logic exists in its Section Layout. If you need to create a new banner that shares this design but has different content, add the new html to the Section Layout and render it based on ViewBag.BodyId, following the existing logic.

Banner images should be 800x610 (mobile) and 1240x700 (desktop.) No more than 8 images/slides should be included to avoid the "slick slider dots" overlapping other content on mobile screens.

Available Code Snippets: N/A

Lorem ipsum. Dolor sit amet.